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Foundations of Leadership Presence
I recently stepped into a new leadership role. Given that I spend my days talking with leaders who are stepping into new roles or new levels of seniority one would think I would have been better prepared for the journey on which I was about to...
Waking Up to Our Unconscious Bias
I approached a breakout session at a recent conference and felt immediately uncomfortable. I was struck by a desire to turn around and find another session to attend. I felt unsure, out of place, suddenly less than the person I believe myself...
Self-awareness as a foundation for good leadership
It’s Wednesday afternoon and Janice storms out of another meeting. It’s the end of the fiscal year and her peers who are other leaders in the organization haven’t made their numbers for the third year in a row. They’re pushing Janice, CFO of...
John Quincy Adams
“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.”
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